Temper tantrums include behaviors that occur when the child responds to physical or emotional challenges by drawing attention to himself and can include Yelling, Biting, Crying, Kicking, Pushing, Throwing Objects,  Head Banging, Hitting, Holding the Breath, Pinching,  Tensing Muscles

Tantrums typically begin at 18-36 months of age.

Inability to assert autonomy or perform a complex task on his/her own causes frustration to the child which cannot be effectively communicated due to limited verbal skills. The frustration therefore is acted out as undesired behaviors. Such behavior peaks during second and third year of life and gradually subsides by the age of 3-6 yr as the child learns to control his negativism.

Do young children have tantrums on purpose?

Young children don’t plan to frustrate or embarrass their parents. For most toddlers, tantrums are a way to express frustration. For older children, tantrums might be a learned behavior. If you reward tantrums with something your child wants — or you allow your child to get out of things by throwing a tantrum — the tantrums are likely to continue.


Parenting tips: How to improve toddler behavior

1.Let your child make choices.

Avoid saying “no” to everything. To give your toddler a sense of control, let him or her make choices. “Would you like to wear your red shirt or your blue shirt?” “Would you like to eat strawberries or bananas?” “Would you like to read a book or build a tower with your blocks?”

2.Praise good behavior.

Offer extra attention when your child behaves well. Give your child a hug or tell your child how proud you are when he or she shares or follows directions.

3.Avoid situations likely to trigger tantrums.

Don’t give your child toys that are far too advanced for him or her. If your child begs for toys or treats when you shop, try to clear of areas with these temptations. If your toddler acts up in restaurants, choose places that offer quick service. Avoid long outings in which your child has to sit still or can’t play  or bring an activity.

4.Be consistent.

Establish a daily routine so that your child knows what to expect. Stick to the routine as much as possible, including nap time and bedtime. Set reasonable limits and follow them consistently.

5.Select a timeout spot.

Seat your child in a boring place, such as in a chair in the living room or on the floor in the hallway. Wait for your child to calm down. Consider giving one minute of timeout for every year of your child’s age.

6.Stick with it.

If your child begins to wander around before the timeout is over, return him or her to the designated timeout spot. Don’t respond to anything your child says while he or she is in timeout.

7.Know when to end the timeout.

When your child has calmed down, discuss the reason for the timeout and why the behavior was inappropriate. Then return to your usual activities.

8.Don’t use timeouts too much, however, or they won’t work.

9.Withholding privileges.

If your child doesn’t behave, respond by taking away something that your child values — such as a favorite toy — or something that’s related to his or her misbehavior.

10.Encourage communication.

Remind your child to use words to express his or her feelings. If your child isn’t speaking yet, consider teaching him or her baby sign language to avoid frustration.

11.Show your love

Make sure your displays of affection for your child outnumber any consequences or punishments. Hugs, kisses and good-natured roughhousing reassure your child of your love.

12.Know your child’s limits.

Your child might misbehave because he or she doesn’t understand or can’t do what you’re asking.

13.Pick your battles.

If you say no to everything, your child is likely to get frustrated. Look for times when it’s OK to say yes.


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